Is Yoga Teacher Training for Me: A Closer Look
Deciding whether to commit to a Yoga Teacher Training program can be a daunting task. Having completed my own YTT program in 2022-2023, I want to share with you that anyone who is passionate about yoga can complete a Yoga Teacher Training program.
Yoga Meets You Where You are—and So Does NLY!
Summer is upon us, and with beautiful days of sunshine and warm air, cool breezes and endless outdoor activities awaiting, no one wants to be indoors. Especially here in the oft-frigid north, where winter seems to last three-quarters of the year, we all want to be outside soaking up as much sun and heat as we can. Northern Life Yoga wants to meet you there.
On Addressing Value
What we can do is recognize you as the individuals that you are, bringing your long days and sore bodies into our sacred space of healing, and offer you some relief from the day-to-day, a place to let go, a place to replenish.
Cheers to 14 Years!
Northern Life Yoga founder, Allie Brawley, reflects on the 14th Anniversary and her vision for growth. “Northern Life Yoga is poised for more growth in 2024 and beyond! The entire NLY team is passionate about yoga, fitness and healing arts, and we remain committed to sharing these gifts with you.”
Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
I encourage you to challenge your own views of self-care, and perhaps, to think of it as self-nurturing, instead.
Sound Baths: Healing Vibrations
During a sound bath, one might hear the rolling shimmer of a gently shaking gong, or the hollow, rippling ring of a singing bowl or two. There may be tinkling chimes or the patter of a rain stick, or a heavy, dark wave followed by a shattering crash of the gong again.
Reflexology: Connecting to Your Physical & Emotional Body on a Deeper Level
Learn more about Reflexology and how it deepens our connections to our body allowing us to heal physically & emotionally.
Change is in the Air
As Northern Life Yoga approaches (lucky!) year 13, we are announcing three upcoming changes that will be part of our evolution.
All About Hot Yoga : Greenhouse Edition
Learn the benefits of Hot Yoga and how Northern Life Yoga continues to bring unique yoga experiences to our community!
The Inclusivity of Yoga
Read the benefits real Northern Life Yogi’s have received from their practice. Learning that yoga brings us together, showing us we’re all more similar than we think.
Making Yoga Accessible to Everyone: Our Scholarship Program
Learn more about our Scholarship Program and the ways Northern Life Yoga gives back to the community.