Zen for the Holidays
It’s cold outside and the night falls early, and the season is telling us to pause and breathe. Do we listen? Most likely, we are swept up in the hustle and bustle of the time between holidays, preparing for family events, finishing major projects in work or school, and staying awake as late as we can to prove we’ve had a productive day.
What better time to take a step back, find somewhere cozy and welcoming, and give back to a mind and body that pushes itself to the limits?
At Northern Life Yoga, we understand the rush of the holidays, and how hard it can be to take time for yourself when there just seems so much to get done. We encourage you to take the time anyway. It’s now that you likely need it most.
Reduce those heightened stress levels through conscious breath and meditation, through our Reiki workshops and Breathwork centering. Release the tension in your neck and shoulders—and wherever else you may be carrying it—with physical practices of muscle-burning flows or stretching, relaxing yin. Need extra support? We have chair yoga and gentle classes for you. Whatever attention your body and spirit are craving, we believe we have options for you during this annual season of excitement and intensity. Options that will allow you to let go of frustration or hectic energy, and find peace and relief to help carry you through the remainder of this season and as we enter a new year.
Let us help you find your Zen this holiday season.
Here is a take-home, evening meditation by Client Experience Manager and YTT 200-Hour certified, Gabbie Gordon, to get you started:
As the darkness falls and we return home from our busy days, can we find a quiet moment to pause and reflect on the goodness that came to us this day, however small it may be?
Turn down the lights, perhaps light a candle, or turn on some quiet, gentle music. Sit comfortably with your spine supported. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Breathe in and out slowly, perhaps to the count of four, and name one to three things that were good today. What comes to you easily if anything? Do you feel resistance looking back over your day for positive moments?
Continue breathing in and out slowly, to a count that is comfortable for you, and let your shoulders relax as you let go of minor frustrations, like snow you dust from your coat as you enter your home. These will not help you rest tonight. What else can you brush from your shoulders, from your day? Let them fall around you, your shoulders relaxing down away from your ears. Let them go.
Breathing deeply, feeling the belly expand, can you think of one more good thing? Perhaps that brought a smile to your face for a fleeting moment. Something that caused a sigh of relief or turned your thoughts to something or someone you love. Is there one more good moment from this day you can remember as you sit and breathe and feel the lightness of shoulders that have released burdens they no longer need to carry?
Do not feel defeated if you find yourself resistant or struggle to think of what good moments have come to you. We are not trained to look for the small moments of beauty in every day, but that does not mean that they are not present. Offer gratitude to yourself for starting now, to look for those small, happy moments. May you have a restful night ahead of you, knowing you have done all you need to do this day.