The Connections We Make Through Yoga
Explore the connections we make through yoga. These connections range from oneself to the community we build through our practice.
Sharon Kennedy & the Lessons She Leaves Behind
It is unfathomable how someone so healthy and full of life can be completely present with us one day and gone forever the next from a tragic and untimely accident. The loss of someone so loved and dear to all of us leaves a void so deep that it would be easy to wallow in perpetual tears and questions. Pause. Deep breath. Another deep breath. Yet we can all take inspiration from Sharon’s example – to keep moving…figuratively and literally. The Sharon Kennedy we all know was a person always on the go – industrious with her time to make the most of each day, balancing family, work and serving the community…all while managing to fit in as many fitness classes as possible.
Reiki, Belly Dance and Lola
Enjoy this article on our beloved yoga instructor and friend. We explore her many talents and dive deeper into Reiki and Belly Dance.
Member Spotlight on Margo Sabourin: 1,100 Classes & Counting!
With more than 1,100 classes over a decade at Northern Life Yoga, Margo Sabourin’s dedication to wellness is inspiring!
Learn how we're transitioning our NLY instructor and management team and studio space…and continuing to find positive changes for growth despite challenging times.
The Next Adventure for Studio Manager, Gabbie Pepin
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for an amazing year at Northern Life Yoga! It has been a pleasure to assist Allie with running the studio and helping all of you navigate this strange year of classes—shifting online to in-person to online to in-person and so on. This is a beautiful and amazing community that has welcomed me with love and compassion and patience as I, too, learned how to navigate online classes and scheduling software and the studio’s relationship with each of you.
Get to Know Morgan VanWinkle, Newest Instructor at NLY!
Northern Life Yoga Welcomes Morgan VanWinkle as its newest instructor and future studio manager. Behind the scenes, our NLY team has loved getting to know Morgan, and thought that you might like to learn a little bit about her before you meet her in the studio!
NLY Keeps March-ing On
March is shaping up to be a busy month at Northern Life Yoga. Not only did we reopen our studio doors on the first of the month, but we also have a virtual workshop and a couple series coming your way!
The Month of Love Turned Inward: What is Self-Care?
What if, instead of looking at self-care as prescribed methods of relaxation, we break down what it means to simply take care of yourself—your entire self?
Everydayhealth.com says, “Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.”
2021: A Year of Honor
As we fully immerse ourselves in this new year, we thought we would introduce a theme for 2021: honor. You’ve already begun to see it pop up in our January Facebook posts, and we believe this theme applies to many avenues of our lives. We may think of our families or our reputations when we hear the word honor, and while those, too, possess calls to honor, so do the various aspects that make up individual parts of who we are and how we live our lives.
Reflecting on 2020 with Gratitude
As the saying goes, “flexible people never get bent out of shape,” and our yoga community has remained flexible as we evolved our business through the pandemic: from virtual classes in the spring, to outdoor and virtual classes in the summer, then our hybrid studio and virtual classes this fall, and back to virtual only classes in November.
It's Time to Try T'ai Chi Chih
NLY T’ai Chi Chih instructor, Lauren Paitson has a kind, gentle demeanor as she instructs her students in the practice of T’ai Chi Chih, and she creates a welcoming environment for those of us joining virtually, as well as those who attend in person. Her clear explanations and demonstrations help even the newest of practitioners intuit and learn the cyclical movements as well as find their “sweet spot” when bringing each fluid motion to a close.
Reunited and it Feels so Good
It has been a busy month and a half! As of September 1st, our studio doors reopened, and we have continued to encourage social distancing by limiting our number of occupants, creating a detailed cleaning schedule, and so much more in our new “Pandemic Protocol and Studio Etiquette.” With the intention of maintaining a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for our returning yogis, we also seek to honor the benefits and necessity of a social practice, promising to do all we can to provide both necessities: safety and connection.
A Fond Farewell for our Pilates Instructor, Kristi Cleary
It is with grace and gratitude that Northern Life Yoga wishes the best for Pilates instructor, Kristi Cleary, as she leaves to focus on her job at War Memorial Hospital as a receptionist in pediatrics and to spend more time with her granddaughter.
Finding Community During COVID-19
Quarantine. Isolation. Social Distancing. These are words we have all grown accustomed to hearing, knowing we abide by them to keep one another safe. So, how, in this time of finding distance to support one another’s health, do we still find ways to come together as a community to receive the love and connection that we need to support our own health now more than ever?
Common Denominator: Heart
So often, the Northern Life Yoga team focuses on highlighting our class offerings and special events. So I want to highlight the Northern Life Yoga instructors themselves - beyond what you read in their biographies. While they are all unique in their styles of instruction, they share a passion for yoga and one other common denominator - they all have heart. When I reflect upon all the ways our instructors share their hearts, it is truly remarkable.
Anatomy of a Kripalu Yoga Class
If you've ever wondered what goes into planning a yoga class, it will vary greatly by the instructor and style of practice. Based on hundreds of yoga poses and variations and breath work, the class design possibilities are infinite.
Home on the Yoga Mat
When I was in my 20's and 30's, I welcomed business travel as a way to explore various restaurants along with occasional sightseeing as time allowed outside of meetings.
Embracing the Elements
Every year, a group of travel writers visits the Eastern Upper Peninsula to experience what we have to offer from sites to recreation. This year, their schedule included kayaking with Bird's Eye Adventures and a Sunset SUP yoga class with me. Since their itinerary was planned in advance and full of activity each day, there was very little room for a Plan B should the weather or wind not cooperate.