Finding Community During COVID-19

By Gabbie Pepin

Quarantine. Isolation. Social Distancing. These are words we have all grown accustomed to hearing, knowing we abide by them to keep one another safe. So, how, in this time of finding distance to support one another’s health, do we still find ways to come together as a community to receive the love and connection that we need to support our own health now more than ever?

Through continuing our classes online and hosting outdoor, social-distanced classes, the Northern Life team has worked hard to bring love, support, peace, and kick-butt workouts to you, their devoted community. Because of the uncertainties we all currently face, we have asked a few of our members to share some thoughts on the journey their practice has taken since this new phase began, and tell us how they continue to discover their health and wellness community all around them.


“Yoga has always been an integral component of my fitness regime. I was so grateful that I could continue the yoga flow and Pilates classes online during the pandemic,” says Julie Mcleod, a dedicated NLY yogi.

Marcia Jenkins-Ball, another devoted member of NLY, shares, “I am so grateful for the Northern Life Yoga THRIVE Facebook group. It has really helped me continue my yoga and Pilates practice during this pandemic. Exercise is critical to me for handling stress, not just for staying physically fit. The live outdoor classes have been a great way to feel more connected with my fellow yogis. The connection helps me stay motivated.” Marcia is excited to have more time to exercise and quilt now that she has retired (congratulations!).


NLY yogi, Katie Pepin shares, “During all the crazy things going on in life due to COVID-19, I have been so grateful to have access to Northern Life videos. Allie is so kind and understanding and seems to know exactly what her students need each day to stretch, strengthen, and more importantly, re-center ourselves.”

Our studio founder, Allie Brawley, has shared how heartwarming she finds having so many people who used to practice with NLY able to rejoin from new locations after moving away and able to reconnect with our community through online classes.

These are just a few thoughts from a couple of our dedicated members who have been honest and flexible with us during this time of transition and upheaval from our normal routine. We recognize that this shift has not worked for everyone. For some of our members, the online classes have been a blessing and allowed for the routine of a practice to continue, while others have found it difficult to feel connected in the same way outside the studio. In moving to outdoor classes when the weather permits, some of our members are finding that they aren’t yet ready to venture into public spaces, and we learn that our outdoor sound quality can suffer, making those videos difficult to follow online. This is all okay. Everyone’s needs and experiences are individual. We are still learning and growing together as we navigate these uncertain times, but if there is one thing the NLY Team strives to impress upon our community, it is that we are still here for you, and we will do our best to find solutions to new problems as they arise. As in any community or relationship, we can better be here for you if you are here for us. We hope you always feel welcome to reach out and share what is and isn’t working, so we can stand together through this crazy time and come out stronger at the other end, ready to move and flow, meditate and grow together.

Think about these questions and let us know:

What do you need from us to feel more connected to our community?

How can we help make your practice sustainable?


A Fond Farewell for our Pilates Instructor, Kristi Cleary


Common Denominator: Heart