Common Denominator: Heart

Common Denominator: Heart

So often, the Northern Life Yoga team focuses on highlighting our class offerings and special events.  So I want to highlight the Northern Life Yoga instructors themselves - beyond what you read in their biographies.  While they are all unique in their styles of instruction, they share a passion for yoga and one other common denominator - they all have heart.  When I reflect upon all the ways our instructors share their hearts, it is truly remarkable.

Nancy - From gentle yoga to chair yoga, Nancy’s calming instruction is truly a gift to our yoga community. She continually invests in ongoing yoga training, including restorative yoga and also yoga for recovery. In addition to her three classes weekly at the studio, Nancy works with the Bay Mills community to introduce yoga for patients at Bay Mills Health Center. Now retired from Sault Schools, Nancy continues to devote time working with students at St. Mary’s School.

Jennifer - A true nature lover, Jennifer spends time exploring local trails and takes time to share the extraordinary elements she uncovers in her hikes through uplifting Facebook posts as a way to add positivity to our news feeds. Her day job as a home care nurse is book-ended by fitness and adventure on Sugar Island. Jennifer’s instruction comes from a very grounded foundation and continues to evolve in beautiful ways, just like nature.

Lola - A true performer, you'll often find Lola singing, dancing or acting on stage at Soo Theatre and beyond.  A gifted and skilled belly dance instructor, yet what makes Lola so lovable is her down-to-earth approach to making people feel completely comfortable, even when they are outside their comfort zone.  Lola has been teaching belly dancing for several years - and she enhanced her talents through the yoga teacher training program. Her sparkling personality shines through in her upbeat yet very grounding yoga classes.  A trained Reiki Master, Lola also offers her healing energy in private sessions and through our monthly Yin & Reiki workshops.

Kristi - Life has come full circle with Kristi teaching Pilates at Northern Life Studio! It was Kristi who gave Northern Life Yoga the opportunity to launch. When I returned to SSM in March 2010, I rented space from Kristi’s Hip Hop Studio to teach yoga classes and develop a yoga community. One year later, our timing coincided well to move on to new endeavors - Kristi wanted to focus on her other business (Curves) and I was ready to develop my own studio space. We continued to collaborate on community events together, including United Way fundraisers and Girls on the Run. I am so thrilled that Kristi is teaching her very popular and power-packed Pilates classes as an expansion of our class offerings. What a delight to have our paths come together once again!

Barb -  A true pioneer with introducing yoga into schools locally, Barb teaches after-school yoga at JKL Bahweting School. She has even created her own home yoga studio that serves as a source of creativity for her to practice and play the singing bowls with her sweet daughter, Ali. Although Barb decided to discontinue teaching a regular weekly class at our studio, she continues to offer kids yoga workshops and most recently trained in Shake Your Soul for an adult dance/fitness offering. She’s also a very popular sub for our flow classes!

Last, but certainly not least, Maxx has offered enduring support to Northern Life Yoga for years. Maxx may be most well known in our community for selling real estate...but she's a dynamo when it comes to motivating others.  Whether it's leading our local Women in Business group, leading Maxx PR or creating fun and entertaining fitness videos with her son, Chad - Maxx's motivation is always present in person and online.  Her weekly core strength class combines her 30+ years of fitness with her passion for yoga. Since she's the mother of two grown gentleman (and former pro football players), Maxx is always willing to fill in to teach when many of us have family commitments.  She also offers festive pop-up classes, such as Yoga Glow.  So very thankful to have Maxx's ongoing support!

My own heart is beyond grateful to have Nancy, Barb, Jennifer, Lola, Kristi and Maxx as part of Northern Life Yoga.  Hope you will experience the many ways our instructors share their hearts both on and off the mat.



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