RYT 200

Nancy was first introduced to the practice of yoga as a student of Northern Life Yoga. In addition to yoga poses, she was particularly drawn to the breath work.  Nancy says, “It has taught me to slow down and focus on breathing in nearly any situation, whether there’s a need to be energized, calmed, or centered. Remembering to return home to my breath has never failed to be one of the simplest, yet profound, ways to take care of myself.”

Nancy’s personal asana yoga practice is quite gentle due to some physical limitations in her body. She has learned to listen to her body and honor its wisdom, no longer trying to push beyond its limits. Although her practice is gentle, she is still able to enjoy the many health benefits - body, mind and spirit - that yoga has to offer. It's wonderful to know that yoga is truly available to "every body"! Nancy shares the practice in a safe, restorative environment.

Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.

